
"You see things now; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?'... Keep your dreams alive.

Monday, December 24, 2012

It's About That Time

So as I write I'm in the car on the way up to my grandparents house for Christmas. And its gonna be a long 3 hours :)

This month has gone by so fast. It's unreal that its already Christmas. Life is flying by me, and its all I can do to hang on. But I'm loving it.

I love most of my life right now. I love my family. I love my friends and my job and my dog.
Hope everyone has a safe and happy Christmas day. Hopefully this ridiculous 6-9 inches of snow doesn't actually happen.

Merry Christmas loves :))

"When it comes to love, I may not know the rules..but there's one thing I know : my heart belongs to you, just to you. You show me you love me with a fire that burns deep inside."-like I am by rascal flatts :)

Nando isn't especially happy to be in the car this long.

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