
"You see things now; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?'... Keep your dreams alive.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Because, You Know, 12 Inches of Snow Wasn't Enough

So Tuesday night, we got about 12 inches of snow...overnight. Our works were cancelled, basically we were snowed in. BUT then apparently that wasn't quite enough snow, and last night we got hit with another 3 inches. So all that hard work and time I spent shoveling our entire driveway was wasted. So sad. And frustrating.
Bright side?

I LOVE SNOW. It's beautiful. I love being cold and how even if the sun isn't shining outside, it still seems light outside because everything is white. It's perfect. And growing up I used to hate when the snow would get all dirty and messed up, but now that hubs and i live out in the sticks, no one plows and no one messes up our yard but me and my dog :)

Christmas was fun. Uneventful, and the food was by far the best part, but it was good. Got lots of goodies, most of which i bought for myself with Cody's work bonus check. :)

So some pictures.
First, these next few are awful because I took them through the screen and glass of my window. But this Cardinal was fighting hard to stay on this limb during the snow storm, and I thought it was hilarious to see his little hair on the top of his head all bent over.

This is Batman's favorite past time. (There's a bird on the feeder)

And then on to Christmas! This was probably my second favorite gift that I got. All 5 seasons. My favorite show :) LOVE ITTT.

This is Nando with his Christmas penguin :) He didn't want to pose today so he is pouting. His toy has a squeaker in it, and he loves just squeak squeak squeaking it ALL THE TIME. I'm starting to regret getting toys like that for him.

So I've been feeling kind of puny all night/day...wasting my day off by watching hours of tv and sleeping through most of it. I had so much I needed to do today, but the fact that I would have to dig Stanley (my car) out of the snow is mostly what is keeping me inside.

Hope everyone had a safe and happy Christmas!

♫ Ridin’ down the road in my pick-up truck
Ya’ better be ready ’cause I’m pickin’ you up
With a full moon shinin’ and a little bit a’ luck
We’ll run outta gas and maybe get stuck

We can get lost, baby, I don’t care
I ain’t worried as long as you’re there
Ain’t no place that I’d rather be
Next to you sittin’ next to me ♫ Rascal Flatts "Next to you, Next to me"

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